Nobody here but us…
In-person new faculty orientation: (what we did last time…)
Online orientation Thursday, 1:30 PM.
We had planned ten minute segments on Moodle, WordPress, LWW and supports for students, Visuals/Videos, Post-pandemic pedagogies. How to make this meaningful?
Fall workshops: some work to do moving Google Doc to website.
Help Desk: coverage for desk and office hours Tuesdays, Aug 24 and 31.
Web page w/ instructions for in-room webcams.
Please flag any questions or tickets where enrollment numbers seem funky with Brian.
Working Site One: map over soon? “Self serve options” less visible for now, so keep an eye on What other sites for “Featured SItes”, “Starter Sites”, or “LT&I Sites”.
Fall RTC
Announcements pending.
How are we feeling?