Staff updates – hybrid courses for School of Nursing
Space update
Open Courses Moodle
Generic Accounts
Child themes in WordPress
Reclaim Workshops/Planning for Next environment
Questions for Reclaim
- Are top-end limits for space hard limits?
Questions for us
- Who does what?
- How many spaces, and how do we arrange them?
Steph’s notes, below:
LTI Media WordPress Requests
- Child theme editing access on the server – I try to avoid this as much as possible on trubox as is, but it might still be the rare need.For example, the original PLAR form needed php for special calculations.
- The ability to upload SVGs and JSON files (maybe JavaScript? Though I can just link to barabus for those if necessary) even if that has to be restricted to certain roles. I’m not sure about the logistics there on whether it’s possible to restrict by roles, but I understand that these kinds of files can be a bit risky in certain situations.
- H5P
- Kadence theme and blocks – might still be a necessary evil. I’m not sure. Nicole and I know how to throw sites up quickly with it, but I’d also argue that the vanilla blocks have come a long way in the last few WP updates, so I’m hoping to steer away from it.
- Lottie block plugin has their own version of it, so I’ve never had to ask for this isolated version. Lotties are a type of animation file that tends to be very lightweight compared to gifs if you keep them vector based. Raster based lotties might still be somewhat lightweight, but I’ve never compared.
- Toolset
- Gravity Forms + the add ons we have on trubox – The custom post type submission type would still need a child theme, or toolset types, or an additional custom types plugin to work. I’ve only used it once in a niche project with that needed a child theme. The project didn’t go through, so I can’t confirm how viable this is as a toolset replacement for most of the non-map tools but it’s on the table.
- Advanced Custom Fields PRO – unfortunately, I built the OLMedia site with this tool and it might take a while to have the capacity to migrate it to toolset or something similar if that site needs to be hosted on the new server. I believe rethinkinld also uses this for its core functionality too though I don’t know if this site will be moved.
- Simple Embed Code or an alternative JavaScript plugin –Since WordPress often overwrites JavaScript typed in the html block with junk code, this would allow me to support niche aesthetic behavior requests (within reason) without having to ask for a special plugin or rely on a child theme that might get switched out and have the functionality go missing. I’ve never used the current one we have on trubox as I only just discovered it in the plugins list a few weeks ago. I’ll give it a test sometime in the coming weeks to see if this could cover my needs.
- An extra note, if this plugin works as I understand it, this could also negate the need for the Lottie plugin too since lotties can be loaded with just JavaScript as well.
- Hide my site
- Relevanssi
- Better docs